5 Proven Drug-Free Strategies for Kids' Nutrition: ADHD Naturally

Parenting a child diagnosed with ADHD can feel overwhelming, especially when deciding on the best way to support them, and making major decisions about medication and therapies.

You might be exploring natural alternatives, wanting to avoid medication, or seeking more ways to support your child while they're on medication.

I believe parents should be empowered with a broad range of options, to help them determine what’s best for their child.

As a Registered Naturopath and Nutritionist with over 10 years of experience helping kids with ADHD thrive, in this blog, I'll share the most effective natural ways to help your child.

Understanding ADHD: It's More Than Genetics

ADHD, or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, isn’t solely about genes. It’s a blend of genetic predispositions and the environment in which a child lives and grows. While genes lay the groundwork, environmental factors significantly shape how these genetic traits play out in everyday life.

To put it simply, think about how your child might behave after consuming sugary treats at a party. You can see the effects of food on their mood and behaviour, irrespective of genetics.

The great news is that we can change the environment and make adjustments that can positively influence a child’s well-being. And there’s a range of natural strategies that can work either independently or alongside medication.

Utilising the Power of Diet and Natural Supplements

Let’s explore 5 proven strategies that could make a noticeable difference for your child, supported by scientific research:

1. Mind the Sugar Intake

High sugar consumption leads to fluctuations in energy levels, resulting in hyperactivity and restlessness. Reading food labels to check how much sugar is in your child’s favourite treats is valuable and might surprise you.

Check how many grams of sugar are in one serving - 4g is equal to 1 teaspoon. A popular muesli bar I found contained 14g of sugar, that’s 3 1/2 teaspoons! Natural sugars are very different to refined sugar. You can look at the ingredients list to see if refined sugar has been added, or if the sugar content is from natural sugar like fruit.

2. Consider Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Omega-3 fatty acids found in fish like salmon and in flaxseeds have shown promise in enhancing a child's focus and behaviour. These essential fatty acids support brain health by aiding in transmitting signals between brain cells, contributing to improved cognitive function and potentially impacting symptoms related to ADHD.

Try adding more fish or flaxseeds to your child’s diet. Flaxseeds can be ground into a fine powder and added to bolognese sauce, to bind meatballs or in smoothies.

3. Limit Artificial Additives

Certain additives and colourings in food may exacerbate ADHD symptoms. Specifically, artificial colourings like Red 40, Yellow 5, and Yellow 6 have been associated with increased hyperactivity in some children. By avoiding these, you may observe improvements.

4. Adopt an ADHD-Friendly Diet

A well-rounded diet comprising fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains plays a pivotal role in enhancing focus, attention, and behaviour in children with ADHD.

However, delving deeper into identifying specific food intolerances is sometimes needed. Common food intolerances, such as dairy or gluten, can significantly impact behaviour, attention, and focus when eliminated from the diet. Seeking guidance from a specialised nutritionist or naturopath focusing on ADHD can refer your child for food allergy testing or guide you with an elimination diet.

5. Explore the Role of Supplements in ADHD Management

In many cases, changing a child’s diet proves very difficult, and using natural medicines is the best place to start.

Natural medicines that contain certain vitamins, minerals, herbs and amino acids can be instrumental for children managing ADHD.

For instance, children with particular dietary preferences, such as being picky eaters, might lack essential nutrients crucial for optimal focus and brain function. These deficiencies can disrupt the normal functioning of neurotransmitters and hinder effective communication within the brain. We can also use specific nutrients to help calm and focus the brain.

Here are 5 of supplements that can help with ADHD

  1. Magnesium: Aids in balancing essential brain chemicals, thereby reducing hyperactivity and improving attention.

  2. Zinc: Boosts brain function, aiding memory and attention.

  3. NAC (N-Acetylcysteine): Controls impulsive behaviour and acts as a brain-protective antioxidant.

  4. Phosphatidylserine: Supports brain cell communication, enhancing memory and behaviour.

  5. B Vitamins: Crucial for overall brain health and producing key brain chemicals.

Remember, it's essential to consult with a specialist in kids' nutrition and natural health before introducing any supplements to ensure safe use and the right dosage for your child and identify any contra-indications to their medication.

Other ways to help kids with ADHD thrive:

  • Consider BodyTalk: BodyTalk is a gentle approach designed to balance cortices, enhance communication between different brain regions, and encourage a return to the parasympathetic state (relax, rest and repair). This holistic method aids in processing emotions through gentle tapping and neuro-muscular feedback.

    As a BodyTalk practitioner, I often incorporate this gentle modality with diet and natural medicines Parents commonly report that their child is calmer and more able to manage their emotions, often finding this approach fun and engaging, while kids love it for its interactive and enjoyable nature. Find out more.

  • Essential Oils

    Certain essential oils, such as lavender, rosemary, and lemon balm, can have calming effects and might aid in managing hyperactivity and improving focus. The safest way to use essential oils is to use them in a home or bedroom diffuser.

  • Reducing Screen Time

    Minimising screen time and exposure to electronic devices has been associated with improved attention and reduced impulsivity in children with ADHD. Instead, encouraging children to be outdoors in nature will have a harmonising effect on the brain.

  • Regular Exercise

    Physical activity has been linked to improved focus and reduced symptoms of ADHD. Regular exercise can significantly benefit your child.

In conclusion

As a parent, you hold the incredible power to create an environment where your child can flourish. Through simple yet impactful changes—whether in diet, lifestyle, or incorporating natural remedies—you can support them naturally and holistically.

It’s vital to recognise that many successful individuals, like Thomas Edison, Albert Einstein, and Sir Richard Branson, are suspected to have ADHD, and have achieved remarkable accomplishments. Maybe ADHD isn't a barrier but a path to success, and with the right support, your child has tremendous potential to shine just as brightly.

Now I’d love to hear from you:

• Which foods have you observed affecting your child's ADHD?

• Which strategies from this article do you feel you can start implementing?

I'm here to offer guidance and support on this journey. Feel free to book a free 15-minute discovery call to learn more about how I can help.


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